Thursday, March 10, 2011

March Madness

In the blog piece March Madness: Washington Forgets About Jobs, author Robert L. Borosage covers a vast area of potential fixes to America's lack of available full-time jobs. He manages to tap into almost every problem area we are currently facing and offer long-term solutions that would appear beneficial to our country’s sagging employment rate. Borosage is the founder and president of the Campaign for America’s Future link and helps direct Jobs Summit link.
Borosage supplies many staggering numbers that reflect our country’s need for jobs. He includes a poll from NBC/WSJ verifying that American’s are still very much concerned about jobs and the economy and want for Washington to focus primarily on these issues. He offers some back and forth between Republican and Democrat stances including President Obama’s but the author concludes that “neither party has a jobs agenda.”
Many well thought solutions are presented in this piece. He basically breaks them down to three main priorities each with their own detailed paragraph which include reviving manufacturing in America, rebuilding America’s infrastructure, and investing in education. He does though continue to go off on a plethora of ideas which begin to make the piece feel somewhat overwhelming. He lists off complexities that include Wall Street, Big Oil and drug companies, and the Pentagon. Little information is offered on these ideas and could possibly scare a reader away. On the contrary, it may entice the reader to further their knowledge and try to understand how these topics may help fix the unemployment issue.
My favorite part that Borosage wrote was “… the right isn’t focused on deficits anyway; they’re focused on cutting government. You can’t demand tax cuts for the wealthiest American’s in December, and then claim you’re for deficit reduction in March.” I have had the exact same thoughts as this for several months now and was thrilled to see it in writing on this blog post. I feel that he did a good job at addressing a very serious problem that this country currently has and was able to offer valid and intelligent solutions that were easy to understand.