Friday, April 29, 2011

What About the Children?

     American children receiving government assistance will be affected by the 2012 budget changes.  The Republican-imposed budget cuts for both 2011 and 2012 represent an all-out war on the middle class, low income people, seniors, kids, and anyone who’s sick. This budget will cause untold suffering for women and children but yet won’t create a single job. (And why has the issue with creating jobs been placed on the back burner?) Next year’s Republican budget proposal is even more extreme – it ends guaranteed Medicare for seniors to finance a giant new tax cut for corporations, and would add trillions to the deficit over the next ten years. This isn’t a recipe for a balanced budget, it’s a recipe for disaster.
     The cuts that will be made to services for children are the most upsetting. How can they take away from kids that already have so little in the first place? A budget passed by the Texas House of Republicans for child abuse prevention will be cutting funds by 55%. Yet in Washington, President Obama recently declared April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. How can we prevent the devastation caused to children by abuse and neglect if we don’t have the funds to do so? There will not be enough money to pay the investigators that keep an eye on the children at risk. If the numbers of abused children rise, will there be enough funding available to provide mental health services to them?
     Services for children with mental disabilities will be affected, as well. Families with an Autistic child that rely on programs provided by the government will notice the effects of the cuts. There will be a two year waiting list for these families to go on as the number of people who need help will grow, yet the assistance available will dwindle. Community-based programs for kids with Autism will be restricted or disappear.
Unfortunately there are many more children’s services, such as WIC (Women Infants & Children), that will be negatively affected by budget cuts as well. We need to take care of our country’s children; they are our future. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Commentary on Colleague's Article

I was very impressed with Julia Elliot’s piece “Planned Parenthood and Women’s Rights.” She presents an argument in favor for the funding of Planned Parenthood, which was recently slashed by budget cuts. She offers an enlightening perspective to how removing Planned Parenthood affects women in this country and their rights. All of the scenarios and questions presented in her article are valid and encourage readers to consider the consequences of taking away such a service to women. My only suggestion would be to add some links to news articles or blogs about the recent cuts to help support her argument on how these changes will have an adverse effect on American women. A well written article; I couldn’t agree with her more on the topic.