Friday, May 13, 2011

Keep Celebrities Out of White House

I will be commenting on my fellow classmate 's blog entry entitled

Why Celebrities and Politics Don't Mix. Alyssa wrote about the recent ridiculous brouhaha that Donald Trump was creating over President Obama's birth certificate. I watched a few news reports on this topic and I feel that she covered all the grounds of the story. She included the history on Mr. Trump's obsession with the birth certificate; a pathetic two year ordeal that our country's leader has tried to ignore until recently. She also includes the racial issue that has come up because of some of Mr. Trump's controversial comments. Is this man really running for President in 2012? I agree with another classmate in one critique, and that would be to include who Andy Ostroy is. It's very important to give some background about the people you are bringing into your articles; for many readers it helps make that person's word seem more agreeable and credible. Overall, I thought it was a well written piece that was easy to follow and interesting to read. 

In the end, I believe Pres. Obama had the last laugh by cutting off the last five minutes of Mr. Trumps television show "Celebrity Apprentice" (a crucial time in each episode) to announce the death of Osama bin Laden. Go Obama!